Starting to explore VFB
Text search and query tools and how to explore the 3D images.
Text search and query tools and how to explore the 3D images.
Canonical templates not only allow for spatial alignment of image data but also are often painted to make a reference atlas of anatomical regions.
The official template for the BrainName nomnclature and accompanying painted domains for the Brain Name nomenclature (Ito et al., 2014). This ticolor brain feautres a presynaptic marker (n-syb-GFP, green), a post synaptic marker (GABA receptor targeted Rdl-HA receptor, blue) and a cytoplasmic marker (Cytoplasmic DsRed, red).
An adult brain template created by Arnim Jenett (Janelia Research Campus) and painted according the the BrainName standard by Arnim Jenett, Kazunori Shinomiya and Kei Ito (Tokyo University) from a staining with the neuropil marker nc82. The image was captured at 20x magnification. The voxel size is 0.62x0.62x0.62 micron.
The adult Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly) leg was used as a sample to study neural circuits at the nanoscale level. The fruit fly leg has five segments that contain various types of neurons responsible for sensing and controlling movement. To image and reconstruct the leg’s neural circuits at nanoscale resolution, X-ray holographic nano-tomography was used. This technique involves imaging the leg from multiple angles using a high-resolution X-ray microscope, followed by using computational algorithms to reconstruct the 3D structure of the leg’s neural circuits. As a result, individual neurons and their connections within the leg were visualized and analyzed.
[adult ventral nerve cord; adult VNS template - Court2018]
Synapse segmentation from JRC_FlyEM_Hemibrain (V1 Jan 2020).
Janelia 2018 unisex, averaged adult brain template
[adult ventral nerve cord; JRC2018UnisexVNC]
[VFB CATMAID L1 CNS; L1 larval CNS ssTEM - Cardona/Janelia; embryonic/larval central nervous system]
[L3 CNS template - Wood2018; embryonic/larval central nervous system]